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Afghanistan flash floods kill dozens and destroy 500 homes

At least 100 people have died in flash flooding in northern Afghanistan's Parwan province, officials say.

The flooding, caused by torrential rains, struck the city of Charikar early on Wednesday morning while people were asleep.

In addition to the fatalities, Afghanistan's disaster management ministry said dozens were injured and nearly 500 houses destroyed.

The updated toll was given as rescue workers continued to search through the rubble of destroyed buildings for any survivors.

Officials say the death toll may continue to rise.

Parawan Governor Fazludin Ayar told local reporters "we could have hundreds of people killed".

Provincial spokeswoman Waheeda Shakar said children are among the victims. Reporters in the area say many families have told them that their relatives are missing and in many places, people are busy pulling out bodies from the ruins.

Farmer Mohamed Qasim told AFP news agency that 11 members of his family were killed in the floods.

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