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France's Macron calls on Lebanon to form new government

French President Emmanuel Macron has called on Lebanon to swiftly form a new government, following the appointment of its new prime minister.

Lebanon's former ambassador to Germany, Mustapha Adib, has taken on the new role with the backing of most MPs.

Senior Lebanese officials say Mr Macron's mediation has been crucial in reaching consensus on the appointment.

The last government resigned following the devastating explosion in the capital, Beirut, on 4 August.

At least 200 people were killed by the blast, caused by ammonium nitrate stored unsafely at the city's port.

Mr Macron arrived in Beirut on Monday for his second visit since the deadly explosion. During his stay he is expected to push Lebanese politicians to tackle corruption and financial waste.

Speaking to reporters, he said a new government should be formed "as soon as possible" - something that Mr Adib has already promised.

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