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In pictures: Mexico school classes resume on TV

School lessons have resumed in Mexico but with the number of coronavirus infections still high, children will not yet return to classrooms.

Schools were among the first institutions to close as the virus began to spread through the country in March.

As many Mexican families do not have access to the internet, classes will be broadcast on TV.

Official figures suggest 93% of homes have access to TV.

Mexico has one of the highest coronavirus death tolls in the world. Since the pandemic started, 61,450 people have died with Covid. Only the United States and Brazil have had higher death tolls.

The decision to teach children through televised programmes rather than online was taken because only half of Mexicans have access to the internet, and not all of those have computers.

Five-year-old Óscar Hernández (below) is one of the millions of students who tuned into the lessons.

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