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Jacob Blake: Joe Biden speaks with shot black man on Wisconsin visit

Mr Biden departs Wilmington, Delaware, en route to Kenosha

US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has spoken over the phone with Jacob Blake, the black man who was shot in the back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, sparking big protests.

Mr Blake, who remains in hospital paralysed, said "he was not going to give up" whether he walked again or not, Mr Biden said.

He was speaking at a church meeting in the city where the shooting took place.

President Donald Trump visited Kenosha on Tuesday.

The US leader surveyed areas damaged by the often violent protests that followed the shooting with messages of support for the police.

He did not meet Mr Blake's family, saying it was because they wanted lawyers present.

Wisconsin is an important state in the upcoming presidential election.

Mr Trump narrowly won it in 2016, and for decades the state has backed the eventual winner of the presidency whether Republican or Democrat.

The president has been pushing a campaign message of "law and order". However, Mr Biden has accused Mr Trump of stoking racial division.

Wisconsin's Governor, Tony Evers, said he would "prefer that no-one be here, be it candidate Trump or candidate Biden".

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